Guide to Medical Weight Loss

Medical weight loss programs are customized for every patient for personalized treatment. This non- surgical option for losing weight is monitored by medical professionals, allowing for safe weight loss. Ready to learn more? Wellness centers Thinking about choosing a medical weight loss program offered by a wellness center? One common reason patients choose wellness centers is that they will receive the individualized weight loss services that they need. Additional reasons include the fact that they use modern technologies, they place a large focus on educating their patients and they put their patients’ needs first. How medical weight loss treatment works The information below allows those who are in need of weight loss treatment to understand what to expect when choosing the option of medical weight loss. The initial evaluation Patients who sign up for a medical weight loss treatment program will first undergo a consultation appointment. This allows medical professionals to understand more about the patient, which is necessary to offer them personalized services. Patients will need to provide their medical history, as well as answer questions regarding their current lifestyle habits. They will also be given their BMI number, which is necessary in order to determine if they are considered overweight or obese. Patients are encouraged to be open and honest, as their program will be based on this information. Patients are managed by a team of medical professionals The fact that wellness centers tend to be home to a variety of medical professionals means that weight loss patients will often be managed by a team. This gives patients the benefit of being under the supervision of numerous professionals, which in turn, allows for a significant support system. The goal of this team is to help patients understand the factors that are preventing them from losing extra pounds, and to create a personalized treatment plan, which may include a patient taking certain medical prescriptions. Patients are taught how to develop new lifestyle habits It is essential for weight loss patients to be open to learning new lifestyle habits that support an overall healthy body. Patients can learn these new habits by talking with one of their medical professionals and/or by participating in the interactive groups that many wellness centers create for weight loss patients. Two new habits to support a healthy lifestyle include healthy meal planning and different options for exercising, e.g., bicycling, hiking, playing sports, etc. Is this the right option for you? There are many benefits of medically losing weight at a wellness center, as every patient is treated in a unique way. Those who choose this option can now take the next step. Get more information about Unicorn Medical Weight Loss & Medi Spa in Las Vegas at Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp and Google
Is the HCG Diet Safe?

Wondering whether you should try the HCG diet? Losing weight is not an easy task, making it so many people ask a general practitioner to help them. Before choosing this diet to lose weight, it is first necessary to understand what it involves. About the HCG diet Looking into your non-surgical weight loss options? The HCG diet may be a good diet plan for those who need to lose weight and have tried many other options and so far have not experienced the success they are looking for. As people who are overweight already know, it can be very difficult to lose extra pounds. This makes it a good idea for many people who are overweight to be under the supervision of a medical professional when losing weight. General practitioners are one of the more common types of medical professionals who can help weight loss patients. The HCG diet is a medically supervised weight loss option. HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin, which is a hormone that is present in the early stages of a woman’s pregnancy. This hormone is injected into one’s body in small doses with the goal of helping patients lose weight. It is also necessary for those who want to follow this particular diet plan to abide by a custom-made diet plan, which will restrict their calorie intake to about 500 calories per day. The HCG diet is divided into three different phases: the loading phase, the weight loss phase, and the maintenance phase. The loading phase requires patients to get their body ready to follow the plan and requires them to begin undergoing HCG injections while eating a diet high in fat and high in calories for two days. During the weight loss phase, patients must continue their HCG hormone treatment while at the same time consuming a restricted number of calories every day, e.g., 500, 800. The maintenance phase begins once a patient loses a certain amount of weight, requiring them to gradually discontinue undergoing HCG treatment while slowly upping the number of calories they consume every day. The safety of choosing this weight loss option When it comes to the safety of the HCG diet plan, while the FDA has approved HCG treatment for helping women who are experiencing fertility issues, the FDA has not yet approved HCG treatment as a weight-loss option. One of the reasons why the FDA has not yet approved this weight loss option is because of the potential side effects, e.g., mood changes, blood clots. Another reason why the FDA has not yet approved this diet plan is that it requires patients to follow a restricted calorie intake, which can potentially cause certain types of side effects, e.g., low mood, gallstones. While the approved foods and the foods to avoid when choosing to follow the HCG diet are all considered to be acceptable, it is the amount of food that the diet allows patients to eat that the FDA does not currently agree with. The bottom line Anytime someone needs to lose weight, it can be very difficult for them to do so. This is why so many people who need to lose their extra pounds will look into different types of diets in order to lose weight. The HCG diet is one that uses a specific hormone to help people lose weight, as well as requires them to follow a strict diet plan. Any questions? Contact us today. Get more information about Unicorn Medical Weight Loss & Medi Spa in Las Vegas at Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp and Google
How do Weight Loss Injections Work

Weight loss injections are one of the many supplements that can help you lose weight. These injections are most effective when combined with a healthy low-calorie diet and regular exercise. Weight loss injections typically include vitamin B12, which is completely safe even when taken in large quantities. Other ingredients that are usually found in weight loss injections include: What to expect when getting weight loss injections Weight loss injections are typically injected into areas with subcutaneous fatty tissues like the buttocks, thighs, abdomen and arms. The procedure is normally performed at medspas like Unicorn Medical Weight Loss & Medi Spa that also provide nutritional counseling and exercise programs. A patient’s treatment plan might require them to receive weekly injections. Injections like vitamin B12 shots can be administered multiple times a week if the patient has a deficiency. B12 increases energy levels and the rate at which fat is metabolized. The frequency of a patient’s injections is based on their weight loss goals and the ingredients being used. Most patients get injections at least once each week. The injection helps patients to lose weight by increasing their ability to burn fat and energy. Ingredients like B12 also give patients an energy boost, which makes them more likely to stick to any exercise program drawn up by their health care provider. Many patients who combine this increased ability to burn calories and fat with regular exercise tend to enjoy significant weight loss. An appointment for a weight loss injection can take as little as 15 minutes. It is one of those treatments patients can get during their lunch break. Getting the most out of weight loss treatments As was mentioned earlier, those who want to get the most out of their weight loss injections should combine them with a healthy diet and structured exercise program. Simple things patients can add to their fitness routine include: A doctor would typically only recommend a weight loss injection if they feel the patient is committed to their weight loss goals. It is a commitment that anyone who is overweight should make, as obesity brings serious health conditions that can be life-threatening. Start your weight loss journey Weight loss injections are not designed to help you lose weight on your own. They should be part of a fitness program that includes exercise, therapy and a low-calorie diet. These supplements enhance the effectiveness of your weight loss program. Stop by our Las Vegas clinic to learn more about injections that can help you lose weight and if you are eligible to get them. Get more information about Unicorn Medical Weight Loss & Medi Spa in Las Vegas at Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp and Google
When to Consider Weight Loss Treatment From a Wellness Center?

If you are trying to lose weight and maintain it, weight loss treatment from a wellness center is an option to consider. The chances are that you have tried other options that either failed to work or only produced temporary results. The wellness center has programs provided by doctors with specialties in areas like fitness, health, nutrition and motivation. This article covers reasons to seek weight loss treatment from a wellness center. Visit a wellness center for weight loss treatment Medical experts agree that people seek the recommendation of their physician before undertaking a diet or exercise routine. However, most people do not and often find themselves struggling with the process. The following are situations when it is advisable to get help with weight loss from a wellness center. When the body mass index is in the obese range The body mass index (BMI) is how medical professionals determine whether a person’s body is at its optimal weight. Those whose BMI lies in the obese range are at higher risks of developing chronic diseases and acute health issues. For these people, it is crucial to visit a wellness center so they can learn the proper way to lose weight and restore general wellbeing. Presence of additional medical conditions When starting a weight loss program, patients will often have to make drastic changes to their diet. For some, the change can affect them significantly beyond just losing weight. For those struggling with other health conditions that affect their metabolic rate or nutritional needs, it is crucial that they visit the wellness center and see a medical professional who will design a proper plan that is suitable for their needs. Problem with appetite control Some people have issues with self-control and willpower around food. Irrespective of their wishes and effort, they cannot seem to stop themselves from overeating. People who struggle with binge eating or other eating disorders can work with the professionals in a wellness enter to lose weight correctly. It is not easy to simply tell someone to stop eating if they have a history of an eating disorder or unhealthy eating habits. For these people, it is necessary to seek extra help to get on the right path for successful weight loss treatment. No visible results Another reason to visit the wellness center for weight loss is when every attempt at weight loss has been futile. If lowering caloric intake remarkably and increasing physical activity appear to be yielding no result, it is time to seek help. There may be a medical reason for lack of success, and only a medical professional can discover the reason, which could be hormonal balance, depression or a thyroid condition. In conclusion Many people have lost weight successfully and sustained it with the different programs and diet plans. However, the best step is to seek professional help, especially from a wellness center for weight loss treatment. They can help you with weight management and a healthy lifestyle. Get more information about Unicorn Medical Weight Loss & Medi Spa in Las Vegas at Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp and Google
How a Nutritional Counselor Can Help You

A nutritional counselor can help individuals reach weight loss or general health and wellness goals through an improved diet. A nutritional counselor can also ensure the process of meeting fitness goals is not difficult or too drastic. How a nutritional counselor can help reach goals Anyone who is struggling to reach their nutritional goals should consider working with a nutritional counselor. This review discusses what a nutritional counselor is, the benefits of working with one, and how they can help individuals reach health and fitness goals. What is a nutritional counselor? A nutritional counselor is a type of nutritionist that evaluates their client’s eating habits and makes professional recommendations on changes that can help them reach their health and fitness goals. They also provide the added motivation to remain consistent with a better diet that many patients need. When should I visit a nutritional counselor? A nutritional counselor can help patients who desire to lose weight or simply want to get in better overall health through an improved diet. They can also assist with the treatment plan for patients who are diagnosed with the following: Perhaps most notably, people visit a nutritional counselor to deal with obesity or fears of becoming obese due to uncontrolled weight loss. This may be separate or a contributing factor to some of the aforementioned health concerns. What changes might a nutritional counselor recommend? A nutritional counselor might recommend reducing calorie consumption while still ensuring the individual receives all of the essential nutrients they need. They may also recommend increasing exercise along with dietary changes to give the individual a better chance at reaching their health goals faster. Will I have to give up my favorite foods and drinks? Individuals who work with a nutritional counselor may have to make some sacrifices to their diet, but the nutritional counselor can ensure the client enjoys the diet at times too. This can be in the form of consuming foods that are both healthy and taste great, cooking foods in ways that enhance the flavor while maintaining health, or allowing for cheat meals. Every nutritional plan is personalized. Get in touch with our nutritional counselor today Are you interested in improving your health and overall well-being through an improved diet and exercise plan? If so, reach out to our nutritional counselor by phone or message today to arrange a time for a consultation visit. Get more information about Unicorn Medical Weight Loss & Medi Spa in Las Vegas at Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp and Google
Is Non-surgical Weight Loss Effective?

Are you looking into your non-surgical weight loss options? General practitioners are medical professionals who tend to offer their patients non-surgical weight loss methods. Many people who are overweight are in need of assistance, as losing weight is not an easy task. About weight loss Considering choosing a non-surgical weight loss program so you can lose your extra pounds? There are many weight loss methods available to choose from nowadays, making it necessary for those who need to lose their extra pounds to figure out which method is right for them. Losing weight is important because it reduces one’s chance of being diagnosed with some potentially serious health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Losing weight also lowers one’s risk of being diagnosed with many different types of cancers. Is it possible to successfully lose weight without surgery? Those who are overweight tend to wonder whether choosing a non-surgical weight loss method will find them the weight loss success they are looking for. The answer is that yes, it is possible for people who choose a non-surgical weight loss method to lose their extra pounds to successfully lose weight. The fact that choosing the non-surgical route is a non-invasive weight loss option means that many people who are overweight are now looking into their non-surgical weight-loss options. A popular non-surgical weight loss option The HCG diet is one of the more commonly chosen weight loss options people are choosing nowadays when they do not want to undergo a surgical process in order to lose weight. HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin, which is a natural hormone that the body makes when a woman is pregnant. The purpose of using human chorionic gonadotropin is to help reset one’s metabolism, allowing them to lose weight while at the same time not experiencing any fatigue or even feeling hungry. Those who choose this non-surgical weight loss option will have a small amount of the human chorionic gonadotropin regularly injected into their bodies while they are undergoing this weight loss program. In combination with undergoing regular injections, it is necessary to follow a low- calorie diet. This diet lasts for about eight weeks and requires those who choose this weight loss method to eat lots of healthy foods, as well as avoid eating unhealthy foods. Everyone who opts to lose weight using the HCG diet will be given specific instructions on how to properly follow this non-surgical weight loss method. The bottom line Is a non-surgical weight loss option the right choice for you? When someone needs to lose weight in order to experience better health, many times they will seek out professional assistance to help them. Since it is possible to lose weight without undergoing surgery, many people who are overweight are looking into their non-surgical weight loss options these days to lose their extra pounds. Learn more about this type of weight-loss treatment today by contacting our office. Get more information about Unicorn Medical Weight Loss & Medi Spa in Las Vegas at Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp and Google
Effective Programs and Treatments from a Non- Surgical Weight Loss Center

Going to a non-surgical weight loss center might be a good approach if you have struggled with obesity. There are many diets out there as well as surgical options. If neither of these has been successful, you should consider going to a weight loss center. These facilities can cater to your needs and help you overcome the struggles you have had with weight. As you learn about these, you can be comfortable with an approach that makes sense to you. The benefits of going to a weight loss center A non-surgical weight loss program is an alternative to surgery for people who are severely obese. These are available at weight loss centers for people of all backgrounds. One advantage of going here is that there is a team of professionals who have the knowledge and training to help patients. On staff are dieticians, doctors, counselors, and personal trainers. The main point of a weight loss center is to offer an all-around approach to losing weight. The team will combine many techniques to help the patient. The center can also give the patient one- on-one attention and cater to their needs. Another benefit is that the patient has emotional support as well. Behavioral counseling For some people, weight gain occurs largely due to psychological or emotional issues. For example, a person may overeat when feeling stressed. Or someone may eat an abundance of junk food when feeling depressed. A non–surgical weight loss approach for these situations will focus on controlling the person’s behavior when these feelings arise. A counselor will discuss triggers and ways to combat these challenges without turning to a poor diet. Diet plan Other patients simply have a lack of knowledge when it comes to eating right. Dieticians can educate patients in non-surgical weight loss programs about what healthy eating means. They can go over maintaining a well-balanced diet. This will include eating meals low in fat and carbohydrates and focusing on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. The dietician will map out menus for the coming weeks and will closely monitor how well the patient follows the plan. Supervised exercise Daily exercise is an effective way to lose weight and maintain a healthy body weight. Unfortunately, some people not only lack the motivation to exercise but may not know how to do so effectively. Trainers and exercise physiologists will measure the patient’s body mass index and administer metabolic tests. From these, the professionals can set up an appropriate exercise regimen to help the person lose weight and build strength. This non-surgical weight loss plan will focus on consistency and meeting the person’s needs. Your non-surgical weight loss plan can work for you It can be frustrating to gain weight and not be able to lose it. The health implications can be significant as well. If you have struggled to achieve your goals with other approaches, non-surgical techniques could help. If you have not had the right motivation, the team at a weight loss center can help. Find a clinic near you and make an appointment to get started. Get more information about Unicorn Medical Weight Loss & Medi Spa in Las Vegas at Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp and Google
4 Benefits of Non-surgical Weight Loss

Wondering what the benefits of non- surgical weight loss are? Losing weight is necessary for those who are overweight, as being overweight can negatively affect one’s health. Since there are many different weight loss methods, understanding the benefits of each is recommended. 4 Non-surgical weight loss The HCG diet is one that uses human chorionic gonadotropin, which is a natural hormone that occurs in pregnant women, to help people who are overweight lose their extra pounds. It is also necessary for those interested in undergoing the HCG treatment to follow a low-calorie diet. The list below includes four benefits that come with choosing to undergo an HCG weight loss treatment program. 1. Improvement in metabolic function While most people who follow a diet plan in order to lose weight will experience hunger due to eating fewer calories, the HCG diet is different. It is important to be careful when losing weight, as cutting back on calories makes one’s body think that it is starving. When this happens, the body’s metabolic functions begin to slow down. Because this diet is one that uses human chorionic gonadotropin to help people lose weight, it actually speeds up the metabolic rate. 2. An increase in energy Many people who are overweight will lack energy because their extra pounds are preventing them from being as active as they would like to be. Some people who are overweight will even avoid dieting because they do not want to experience having even less energy. Because the HCG diet uses human chorionic gonadotropin to help people lose weight, this natural hormone allows one’s body to release adipose fat. This type of fat turns into energy, which in turn raises one’s energy levels. 3. Preserves muscle mass The fact that many diets can cause some people who are overweight to lose weight too fast means that they may experience problems with their muscle mass. Following the HCG diet helps to preserve a patient’s muscle mass while at the same time releases any of their stored fats so they can continue to lose weight. This process is important when it comes to patients experiencing little or no problems with losing muscle mass while they are dieting in order to lose their extra pounds. 4. Keeps one’s appetite under control One of the biggest problems people who are overweight have when they want to lose weight is consuming too many calories. This is because people tend to eat when they are hungry, with the majority of people who are overweight not counting their calorie intake. With the HCG diet, those who choose to undergo this non-surgical weight loss program can expect this hormone to help keep their appetite under control. The bottom line Is losing weight using a non-surgical weight loss the right choice for you? Those who want to reap these benefits need to take the next step by making a consultation appointment with a general practitioner in order to receive personalized weight loss information. Get more information about Unicorn Medical Weight Loss & Medi Spa in Las Vegas at Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp and Google
What to Expect from Vitamin Injections from a Weight Loss Center

You can speed up your weight loss plan with vitamin injections. Many people have weight loss goals. Yet, sometimes, exercise and diet are not enough to achieve them. Other people do not want to have weight loss surgery because of the risks. This is where vitamin injections come into view. If you want to know what to expect from vitamin injections, here are the details. Ingredients in vitamin injections Vitamin injections seem to work for people who want to lose weight. The effectiveness of these weight loss injections relies on the ingredients. Vitamin B12 and MIC are the main components. MIC is a mixture of choline, methionine, and inositol. The effects of vitamin injections These lipotropic injections help maintain a good level of energy. This helps sustain a patient on a low-calorie diet. These supplements also help burn the body’s stored fat. Taking the injections weekly prevents the collection of fat and bile in the liver. The buildup of these substances in the liver can cause many health issues. Metabolism slows down. In some cases, the buildup stops fat metabolism. These weekly injections. are effective in burning excess fat. These lipotropic injections can also improve mood and reduce mental fogginess. These effects are from vitamin B12. Reason for recommending vitamin injections Weight loss centers often recommend the use of these injections. Lipotropic injections can help speed up weight loss. These vitamin injections increase the patient’s mineral and vitamin intake while improving weight loss practices. The centerpiece of every injection is vitamin B12. This vitamin is an important part of a healthy diet. What vitamin B12 does Cyanocobalamin or B12 is water-soluble. It is a natural component in dairy products, animal foods, eggs, shellfish, and meat. Vitamin B12 supplements balance the nutrient intake of vegetarians. Lipotropic vitamin injections will not be complete unless it has vitamin B12. Cyanocobalamin helps cells function well. It also helps to break down carbohydrates and convert protein and fats into energy. Vitamin injections are fat burner shots These injections can help with weight loss because of the amount of fat each shot dissolves or burns. Apart from vitamin B12, these injections have inositol and alpha-lipoic acid (converts carbohydrates into usable energy). Vitamin injections also have vitamin D3 (burns carbohydrates) and biotin (increases metabolism). These injections work right away once they enter the body. That is why weight loss centers recommend weekly vitamin injections. This allows a steady flow of vitamins and other weight loss nutrients in the patient’s bloodstream. Enhance your weight loss efforts with vitamin injections Weight loss centers offer these effective injections to help patients reach their weight loss goals. Each weekly injection does not only make you slimmer. They also provide you with a large energy boost and faster metabolism. Asking your weight loss consultant or attending physician about vitamin injections can help you begin the path toward optimal health. The body weight you have been dreaming of is achievable with vitamin injections. Get more information about Unicorn Medical Weight Loss & Medi Spa in Las Vegas at Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp and Google
How B12 Injections Are Used in Non-Surgical Weight Loss Programs

Non-surgical weight loss options are becoming more common for obese individuals. If you are struggling with your weight, you should explore some of these methods. One popular treatment is getting B12 injections. When you have tried other methods without the success you want, talk to your doctor about this approach. You may be able to get your weight under control and have a healthier lifestyle. Causes of weight gain Many factors can contribute to obesity. Some of these, such as genetics, are out of the person’s control. However, other situations are due to a person’s poor habits. One of them is a lack of exercise. Living a sedentary lifestyle not only puts a person at risk of being heavy but of suffering various other health issues. Having a poor diet is another major cause of being overweight. In particular, a person who does not eat a well-balanced diet is prone to being obese. Eating foods high in fat and sugar can also make it difficult for a person to keep their weight under control. In addition, consuming excessive amounts of alcohol and undergoing stress are other factors. An explanation of B12 injections People who are looking for non-surgical weight loss solutions may turn to vitamin B12 injections. This vitamin is found in many types of foods, particularly fish, meat, and dairy products. Injecting patients with B12 may have an effect on the person’s metabolism and increase energy. Some people who have the injections say they have a less difficult time losing weight. The process of this non-surgical weight loss choice A doctor will inject B12 into the patient with a fine needle, so there is little to no pain. The number of injections and frequency of them will vary from person to person. The injections are typically more effective than supplements because supplements are absorbed through the digestive tract. This means there is less B12 getting into the body. With the injections, the person should receive more of a boost. People who should consider B12 shots Vitamin B12 shots are not for everyone. However, for some patients, this may make sense, especially those who have not gotten the results they want with other options. Severely obese patients may be good candidates as well. Older people often have success with the injections, as do people who are smokers. Side effects Doing a non–surgical weight loss plan can still have side effects. Be aware that B12 injections may cause muscle cramps or weakness. People should also keep an eye on issues such as breathing difficulties, dizziness, and itching and swelling of the face. There could also be pain and redness at the injection site. Talk to your doctor about B12 shots today Trying to lose weight can be frustrating. If you are tired of not being able to drop the pounds, ask your doctor about trying B12 shots. This non-surgical weight loss approach may not produce results for everyone. However, other obese patients are happy with the effects of this option. Make an appointment with your doctor to start the discussion. Get more information about Unicorn Medical Weight Loss & Medi Spa in Las Vegas at Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp and Google